Thursday, January 7, 2016

One Last Thing...


In 2009, we went to the community with a proposal for a Reinvention Plan that promised we would not ask for additional operating money for two years.  We are very happy and proud that we were able to keep that promise, not only for two years but all the way through 2016.  Thanks to the hard work and effort of our teachers and support staff, we have kept our schools on a tight budget, despite continual cuts in State funding.  We have been able to reduce spending, and we have not had to request additional operating money to keep our schools running. 

As part of the Reinvention Plan, we also presented the idea of “one last thing”.  This was the creation of a single campus that would, over time, make our district more cost efficient.  We are proud to say that this idea has become a reality, along with 15 other major accomplishments that have made our school district something to be extremely proud of!  While I could name more than 15, these are the most recent improvements:

  1. New elementary school
  2. Updated VHS auditorium
  3. Updated VHS music wing
  4. Updated security lighting in parking lots
  5. Updated VHS art rooms
  6. Updated and refurbished kitchen at SMS
  7. Updated and refurbished kitchen at VHS
  8. Construction of a field house that will also serve the community
  9. Sale of South Street School, the former Lake Elementary (Vermilion YMCA) and Valley View administration building
  10. Upgrade in HVAC system at VHS
  11. New floors throughout Sailorway
  12. Sidewalk and roadway improvement on Sailorway Drive
  13. Walkway allowing easy access from VHS and parking lots to athletic fields and field house
  14. Updated sound system in VHS gymnasium
  15. Updated sound system in VHS auditorium

It is important to note that all of these improvements were necessary as we strove to keep our facilities up-to-date and avoid a state of disrepair that would be costly to recover from.  As you may be aware, many school districts around Ohio have facilities that have reached the point of demolition.  We have worked hard to be faithful stewards of what the community has provided for their children.  With these improvements, we look forward to serving the children and grandchildren of our current students over the next 40 to 50 years.     

One of the greatest benefits of the single campus idea was that no new tax dollars were used to support the changes.  We were able to provide these beautiful and upgraded facilities with cost savings achieved through consolidation into a single campus.  Should you have any questions about district finances or our academic status, please do not hesitate to call my office at 440-204-1723. 

As we enter into 2016, I hope you share my belief that we have much to be thankful for.  We look forward to working with students, families and community members as we continue to improve educational opportunities in Vermilion. 

Check out some pictures of our renovated art rooms, band room, and choir room. Our art and music programs are just two of the program areas Vermilion has to be proud of. Our students work hard and accomplish many amazing things. 

If you haven't yet, please like the Vermilion Local Schools Facebook page for daily updates and information. ==>


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