Friday, January 23, 2015


On bad weather days our school district has the option of closing for a full day, or implementing a 2 hour delay.  I believe that a 2 hour delay can be inconvenient for families and disruptive to the school day.  It is my intention to utilize this option only as a last resort, or in the event of an emergency.  The decision to close school is difficult, and we take this responsibility very seriously.  We communicate with local law enforcement and plowing crews, consult weather reports and have personnel driving roads to determine if closing is necessary. Official notification of school closing will be posted on our website, Facebook, Twitter, and local television and radio news stations. An automated phone call is sent to students and staff using the contact information in PowerSchool.  The closing notice will be communicated to news media and families as early as possible after the decision is made.   We have been experiencing a rise in message and questions posted on our social media sites, but responses to these messages will be our last priority as we work to ensure information is communicated to all students and parents in a timely manner. 

In the event it is necessary for us to use the 2 hour delay option, students will be expected to report to school exactly 2 hours after the normally scheduled report time.  School buses will leave the bus garage 2 hours later, and will follow their established routes.  Students can expect buses to be at bus stops 2 hours later than normal.  Some students may experience a delay in pick up, depending upon weather and road conditions.  Student safety is our priority. On these days, school will be dismissed at the normal time.

We are very proud to announce that VHS art students were the recipients of the largest number of awards in recent history for their entries in the Scholastic Art Show.  VHS entries received 3 American Vision Awards, 9 Gold Keys, 14 Silver Keys and 58 Honorable Mention awards.  Students that received a piece in the show are:  Tessa Lee, Allison Gossett, Jaron Nestor-Blackman, Madison Paden, Christiana Leonardo, Hannah Kanavel, Jared Jones, Eric McGuinn, Jordan Murray, Bryan Martin, Nicole Feigi, Megan Gercak, Clare Faley, Sierra Lyons, Lauren Harcula, Joey Rini, Blaine Gasdick, Kaitlin Day, Andrew Volzer, Lauren Pawlowski, Jeremy Brinker, Seth Hurd.  The American Vision Awards went to Allison Gossett with 1 and Tessa Lee with 2.  Congratulations to all of the award winners, and their teachers Christen Schneid and Whitney Brown for this outstanding achievement.  More information on this show will be published in the Photojournal in the coming weeks. 

This year our district has been working with an outside consulting company, Common Sense Defense, and the Vermilion Police Department to review and update our procedures for response to a violent-intruder incident, should one occur here.  The implementation of training will be phased in to each of our schools over the next two years. Our focus this academic year is on training the high school teachers and students on the response plan. High school teachers participated in a practical and realistic training drill in the fall and we are now prepared to educate our students on the plan.

Our violent intruder procedure empowers students, staff, visitors and administrators to make decisions that will allow them to increase their chance of survival in the event a violent intruder threatens to cause harm. Those in harm’s way will be provided with several options that allow them to make decisions that are best for them given the circumstances. The options available include lockdown strategies, evacuation alternatives, and countering techniques.  On February 9 we will be educating the high school students on our violent intruder and lockdown procedures and allowing them to practice what they learn. The training will be conducted by Common Sense Defense and the practice will be coordinated with Common Sense Defense and the Vermilion Police Department.  We know that some parents may be concerned about the training and drills that the high school students will participate in, so we are offering an information night for parents of high school students on Tuesday, January 27 at 7:00 PM in the High School Auditorium. The information night will allow parents to participate in the training their students will receive as well as allow time for questions to be answered.   All parents are invited to join us for this important event. 

Today marks the end of the first semester of school for the 2014-2015 school year, and are looking forward to starting the second half of the year.  Some exciting and positive things are happening in our classrooms this year through our emphasis on center-based, learning, blended learning and co-teaching.  I hope that you have an opportunity to visit us and see what we are doing. 

Last week we were notified by City officials that complaints were made about parking around Vermilion High School.  Some of our event visitors are ignoring the posted “No Parking” signs and are creating a hazard for cars traveling on Sailorway Drive.  Parking lots are available around the high school, and it is only a short walk from the designated parking areas to the gymnasium or the stadium.  This is a reminder that all residents should park in designated parking lots only.  The Vermilion Police Department is authorized to ticket cars parked in the “no parking” zones if they receive a citizen complaint.  We appreciate your cooperation to keep both visitors and community members safe. 

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