Thursday, February 18, 2016

2016-2017 Superintendent Goals and Objectives

VLSD Superintendent Goals / Objectives 2016-2017
1.         Academic Performance Objective
·      Develop objective criteria for measuring progress toward achievement of OIP goal
·      The OIP team meets monthly in a District Leadership Team (DLT) meeting; assistance is provided by the SST team twice monthly
a)         Goals and objectives are reviewed
b)         Data is brought to meetings to quantify and support b., c. and d. below as well as help achieve the Board adopted goal of student learning meeting or exceeding one year’s growth in all content areas
c)         Data is submitted to the Ohio Department of Education quarterly documenting the work of BLT and TBT
·      Report progress of walk-through’s to BOE quarterly. Progress will include information on center- based learning, blended learning and co-teaching
a)         Increase the graduation rate to 100% of all high school seniors
b)         List at-risk seniors and interventions used in 2015-2016
c)         Track non-graduating high school seniors and attempt to engage them in a 5th year program • These students are tracked by ODE and progress reported on the State Report Card.
·      Emerging trends at VHS

2.         Staff Development / Staff Relationships
·      Maintain Goals and Objectives for all Administrative personnel and report quarterly.
·      Ohio Principal Evaluation System (OPES) and the Supervisor’s evaluation tool are being utilized to meet goals and objectives
·      Develop and execute annual professional development plan.  • The following professional development will be provided to staff in 2016-2017 and is ongoing through the summer of 2016:
a)      Blended Learning
b)      Compass Learning
c)      Progress Assessments through NWEA
d)     Brain Honey
e)      Science and Math common core standards provided by SMART Consortium Science, Technology, Engineering, Math (STEM); Develop MakerSpace and STEM lab
f)       Gifted and Talented – all teachers provided skills to benefit gifted students
3.         Board / Community Communication Objective
·      Pass Renewal Levy in March 2016
·      Sell old Vermilion Elementary School
·      Complete Week in Review Report to Board members weekly
·      Complete monthly Board meeting agenda and distribute to all Board members with attachments
·      Submit School Zone article bi-monthly and report to all communication outlets (local news media, VLSD website, Facebook, Twitter)
·      Attend meetings with community and business leaders
·      Community activities include Rotary Club weekly and as needed for fundraising events; Main Street Vermilion (monthly), Chamber of Commerce (monthly)
·      Community Business Advisory meetings for community leaders organized annually

4.     CampusSafetyandSecurity
·      Re-write plan for Homeland Security, following recommendation of ODE
·      Follow and Execute Homeland Security Plan
·      Continually review and revise plan as needed
·      Monitor and execute drills campus wide
·      Upgrade or change camera placements as needed
·      Upgrade and change lighting as needed

5.     Innovation Growth Objective *
·      Continue to seek out additional / alternative revenue sources
Naming rights for facilities – continue to pursue as opportunities become available
·      Improve utilization of existing facilities
a)      Improve organization of all storage and work room areas district-wide
b)      Improve organization of inventory for equipment and school supplies
·      Decrease costs through innovation
·      Improve use of technology to increase efficiency district wide

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