Thursday, August 4, 2016

School Zone 8-4-16

By Superintendent Philip Pempin

At a recent meeting with our administrative team, Vermilion Elementary principal Bonnie Meyer shared the following short article titled “All Kids Can Learn”.  The article compares different ‘schools’ of learning outlined below.    

The Charles Darwin School – “We believe that all kids can learn …based on their ability.”
We believe that all students can learn, but the extent of their learning is determined by the innate ability or aptitude.  This aptitude is relatively fixed, and as teachers we have little influence over the extent of student learning.  It is our job to create multiple programs or tracks that address the different abilities of students and then guide students to the appropriate program.  This ensures that students have access to the proper curriculum and an optimum opportunity to master material appropriate to their ability.

The Pontius Pilate School – “We believe all kids can learn … if they take advantage of the opportunity we give them to learn.”
We believe that all students can learn if they elect to put forth the necessary effort.  It is our job to provide all students with an opportunity to learn, and we fulfill our responsibility when we attempt to present lessons that are both clear and engaging.  In the final analysis, however, while it is our job to teach, it is the student’s job to learn.  We should invite students to learn, but if they elect not to do so, we must hold them accountable for their decisions. 

The Chicago Cub Fan School – “We believe all kids can learn ... something, and we will help all students experience academic growth in a warm and nurturing environment.”
We believe that all students can learn and that it is our responsibility to help all students demonstrate some growth as a result of their experience with us.  The extent of the growth will be determined by a combination of the student’s innate ability and effort.  Although we have little impact on those factors, we can encourage all students to learn as much as possible and we can and will create an environment that fosters their sense of well-being and self-esteem.

The Henry Higgins School – “We believe all kids can learn … and we will work to help all students achieve high standards of learning.”
We believe that all students can and must learn at relatively high levels of achievement.  We are confident that students can master challenging academic material with our support and help.  We establish standards all students are expected to achieve, and we continue to work with them until they have done so.

Opinions vary widely on the best way educators can prepare students for college and future careers.  Our team of administrators and teachers have high expectations for our students.  We believe that our focus on blended learning and personalized instruction guides our teachers to facilitate and encourage pupils as they master challenging academic material.  We continue to emphasize these principals, and remind ourselves that we are to make the student the focus of every decision, and stay true to our vision of inspiring students to be lifelong learners.    

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